About Us
Iqra University is amongst the top ranking universities in Pakistan, and has been incessantly serving in the field of professional academia over the past decade. Here, we believe in promoting innovation, research and talent. Placement Department at Iqra University has been established to build strong associations between the University & its key stake holders. Our main objectives are to guide students to develop their academic career interests, to arrange on-campus recruitment drives, invite industry experts as guest speakers to enable our graduates to connect theory to practice, establish an efficient alumni association, and facilitate seminars in order to provide alumni with the opportunity for professional networking, career development and a lot more. The purpose is to bring the better out of best from our students. In order to bridge the gap between graduating students and corporate sector, the placement portal has been developed to facilitate the process of finding the right candidate for the right job efficiently yet effectively.
Our Vision
To transform the lives of youth through world class education at an affordable price.
- Develop Leadership
- Promote Entrepreneurship
- Promote Advance Learning Methodology
- Promote Training
- Promote Lifelong Learning
- Uphold Islamic Values
- Promote Industry and University interaction
Our Mission
To be a world-class institution of higher education and research, promoting technical skills, critical thinking and public duty, to help develop a prosperous and progressive society.
Our Talent Pool
Explore out talent pool from the following degree programs.
- Business Administration
- Computer Science
- Engineering
- Pharmacy
- Medical & Dental College
- Health Sciences
- Education
- Fashion & Textile
- Media Sciences